Woman at the Well Ministries is a Bible-based teaching ministry founded on the Word of God and focused on bringing the truths of the Bible to our everyday lives. The teachings of this ministry are intended to point you to Jesus, strengthen your daily walk with Christ, and to glorify our Saviour.
Monday Mar 04, 2024
263 | Your Identity Is In Christ - Overcoming Judgment and Opinions
Monday Mar 04, 2024
Monday Mar 04, 2024
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In today’s world everyone has an opinion and most are very quick to express it. People walk around judging those around them as if they have the authority to do so. The results are that many among us are beaten down, battered, and misled. Join us in this podcast of Woman at the Well Ministries as Kim takes us on a journey through the scriptures revealing that Christ and Christ alone has the authority to tell us who we are. Our identity is in Christ and His opinion and judgement is the only one that matters. He speaks truth and it is He who sets your identity.
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Quotable Kim-isms
“Jesus says, all those things that made you a servant of sin are no longer part of who you are and if they are no longer part of you you are, they no longer define who you are!”
“Your story is being re-written with the blood of Christ.”
“In the light of Jesus, man’s words fail.”
“Your accusers are talking about a life that was, He’s talking about a life that is.”
“You may not be able to erase the sins of the past, but He can.”
“Man can only do unto you that which you allow him to do.”
“The One with the authority to throw the stone, didn’t. He threw love, mercy, and grace.”
“The world doesn’t get to define who you are because Jesus Christ paid the price for you. Jesus Christ bought the rights to who you are.”
“My identity is in Christ Jesus. My story is in God’s hand.”
Mentioned in this Episode
- John 8:1-11 www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8%3A1-11&version=KJV
- Colossians 3:1-4 www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Colossians+3%3A1-4&version=KJV
- II Corinthians 5:17 www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Corinthians+5%3A17&version=KJV
- Ephesians 2:10 www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+2%3A10&version=KJV
- II Timothy 1:7 www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Timothy+1%3A7&version=KJV
- I Peter 2:9 www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Peter+2%3A9&version=KJV
- Galatians 2:20 www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians+2%3A20&version=KJV
- Philippians 3:20 www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians+3%3A20&version=KJV
- I Corinthians 6:19-20 www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+6%3A19-20&version=KJV
This podcast is brought to you by Woman at the Well Ministries and is supported by our faithful listeners.