Woman at the Well Ministries is a Bible-based teaching ministry founded on the Word of God and focused on bringing the truths of the Bible to our everyday lives. The teachings of this ministry are intended to point you to Jesus, strengthen your daily walk with Christ, and to glorify our Saviour.
Friday Jan 19, 2024
244 | My God Provides - Learn from Elijah’s Obedience
Friday Jan 19, 2024
Friday Jan 19, 2024
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Where the presence of God is there is provision. In I Kings 17 we see a beautiful account of how God provides, sustains, leads, and guides. I Kings opens with Elijah, a prophet of God, following the commandments of the Lord and going exactly where God tells him to go. There is a drought and God is telling Elijah where to go to have the water he needs. God personally feeds Elijah using the ravens He has instructed to bring Elijah bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening. Elijah’s obedience to God allowed him to be where he needed to be to receive the blessings of God. Are you where you are supposed to be? Are you prepared to receive the blessings of God? Join us in this podcast of Woman at the Well Ministries as Kim takes us on a journey through the scriptures revealing the goodness of God.
Mentioned in this Episode
Quotable Kim-isms
“Elijah hears from God, turns, and obeys what God asks Him to do.”
“Doesn’t it make sense that we should feast on the Word of God in the morning and the evening, in the same way Elijah was provided for in the morning and the evening?”
“When we come to Jesus, we need to be emptied of the world.”
“Can those around you bank on the fact that you’re going to follow and obey God?”
“Contagious obedience is on full display in the account of Elijah and the widow.”
“Our lives are meant for more than just ourselves.”
“When multiple obedient people come together, amazing things happen!”
“When He directs you, He will provide for you!”
“When we follow Him, that’s when we live in the abundance and the blessing.”
“Faith prevailed. Obedience created abundance. Blessings flowed and the presence of God provided.”
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